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I'm Kelsey and I help Christian women break free from diet culture & lose weight for the last time!
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Let’s talk about breaking out of diet culture and why a Christian mindset is necessary for achieving fast and sustainable weight loss. If you’ve been stuck in the cycle of fad diets and feel enslaved by the scale, this post is for you. Grab a cup of tea, get comfortable, and let’s explore a fresh, faith-based approach to health.
We’ve all been there. You spend your hard-earned money on the latest diet craze, only to find yourself in the same place (or worse) a few months later. The world’s diets often focus on restriction—no carbs, no sugar, calorie counting—or on quick fixes like metabolism boosters and supplements. While these might work temporarily, they don’t address the root cause of chronic dieting.
These methods lead to a vicious cycle: you follow the diet, lose some weight, face a stressful situation, revert to old habits, gain the weight back, and feel shame. This shame drives more emotional eating, and soon you’re back on the diet rollercoaster.
The world’s approach to weight loss is often about self—how good you’ll look, how strong you’ll be. It’s intrinsic motivation focused on self-improvement. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with wanting to look good and feel strong, this approach often idolizes fitness and views food merely as a means to an end.
The world’s diets don’t include God. They don’t help you heal from the underlying issues that lead to chronic dieting. Many Christians struggle with the belief that they will always have a weight issue or that it’s vain to care about their physical health. But the truth is, God wants us to live abundantly healthy lives.
So, why do we need to start losing weight with a Christian mindset? It’s simple—because it works and it’s sustainable. Here’s where to start:
You don’t need to jump into no-carb diets or macro mapping right away. These are advanced tools that might be helpful eventually, but if you’re on a diet rollercoaster, you need to simplify. Eat real food—God’s food. Learn to cook it, spice it, and get your family to enjoy it. This will help reset your taste buds to their original design.
Being fit is about more than just looking good. It allows you to fully engage in your life. You can say yes to activities, enjoy time with your kids, and feel confident with your spouse. More importantly, you can be ready for any adventure the Holy Spirit has for you. This makes life FUN!
First, you need to know who you are in Christ. Jesus died to give us life to the full, and that includes freedom from weight struggles. It’s so important to understand this not just in your head, but in your heart. I love helping my clients identify the root causes of their weight issues. What childhood experiences made you feel unworthy? Why do you turn to food for comfort? Once you understand these roots, you can start living in the truth that you are worth caring for and that being healthy is for you.
When you start living in freedom and truth, you’ll discover your Kingdom purpose. God has something unique in store for you, and being fit helps you fulfill that purpose. You’ll be ready for any Holy Spirit-led adventure and able to bring God’s Kingdom to earth in powerful ways (isn’t this the whole reason we’re here?).
Declare truth over your life daily. Nobody can do this journey except for you. Start speaking these truths and believe in the abundant life Jesus promises.
If you want to lose weight fast and sustainably while living free from the stronghold of excess weight, it’s time to adopt a Christian mindset. Join Fit Moms Accelerator and gain access to a step-by-step process that will transform your health journey.
“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” – 1 Corinthians 10:31
Reflect on how aligning your eating habits with God’s will can transform your health journey.
Friend, are you guilty of spending your precious dollars on yet another fad diet only to find yourself in the exact same shoes a few months later, maybe even with some extra pounds from where you began?
I used to search for THE solution to weight loss… I was stuck in systems of counting calories, macros, cutting out carbs, and feeling enslaved to whatever popular program my friends recommended. I even tried metabolism boosters in hopes of seeing the scale drop quickly.
Not to mention, I’d spend hours in the gym, burning as many calories as possible so I could have my late-night chocolate treats guilt-free… or at least I wouldn’t see the scale jump up.
I was in this perpetual cycle of needing to DO more so I could EAT more… and then feeling like I couldn’t eat what I needed during the day because I had to save up calories.
I hit my breaking point and thought… there HAS GOT to be a better way!!
I repented for trying to do it on my own and following the world’s man-made systems of eating. Then, I spent the next decade discovering the most FREEING way to live—filling my body with God’s foods, changing my heart to want to live abundantly healthy, and learning how to invite God into the journey and heal from why the struggle existed in the first place.
The best part? I get to lead a movement of mommas who are doing the EXACT. SAME. THING!
I’ve left my full-time career as a physician assistant and have created a program that teaches women just like you exactly how to break out of the diet cycle and lose weight for the last time.
You’ll get a step-by-step process that includes my expertise as a PA in lifestyle medicine, inner healing, and inviting God to heal the roots of why the struggle exists. Plus, we’ll tackle the practical pieces of how to lose weight and manage your time in the midst of being a busy mom with little time to spare.
Are you ready to be a part of our movement and break up with that silly restriction mindset, once and for all?
Hop over to to get started today!
For tips and updates follow me on IG! @kelseywickenhauser
on mission to help moms break free from diet culture and discover a whole new way of thinking about weight loss... Read more about Kelsey
© 2023 Kelsey Wickenhauser. all rights reserved. privacy policy.
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