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a carefully designed program that combines effective weight loss strategies, Kingdom-minded guidance, and practical tips specifically tailored for women just like you. Say goodbye to the exhausting diet rollercoaster and welcome a life of freedom and wellness.
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Meal Planning
I'm Kelsey and I help Christian women break free from diet culture & lose weight for the last time!
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Losing weight and breaking free from dieting is something most every woman dreams of, yet the journey is often filled with obstacles. You might be wondering why it can’t just be easy—why do you have to struggle? Why does it seem like others can do it effortlessly while you’re stuck in a cycle of frustration?
Today, I want to share my unpopular opinion about weight loss, especially if you’ve been struggling for a long time. If you’re unsure what’s missing in your weight loss journey and eager to break free from the diet rollercoaster, this is for you.
The fear of choosing another diet plan only to fail—again—is very real. You feel the pressure in your chest, knowing you need to take your health seriously. You’re doing this for your family, but what if you end up right back where you started? You wonder:
I want you to know that you’re not alone in these fears. Every woman who has broken free from the weight struggle started exactly where you are today. They had to say yes before they saw the transformation.
If that small voice inside is nudging you to surrender your health journey to God and step into a better way of living, say YES today. Today is the day you identify as a Fit Mom.
You’re here because you believe change is possible. You believe in becoming a Kingdom Fit Mom for good. But if you’ve always struggled with weight and you’re ready to stop struggling, here’s the hard truth:
👉 You have to climb the mountain before you can enjoy the downhill.
This means embracing discomfort, overcoming unexpected roadblocks, and rerouting when necessary. Weight loss isn’t just about counting calories and burning fat—it’s about transforming your mindset and lifestyle. Here are three major areas where you will need to struggle before you succeed.
For years, I lived in the mindset of being on a diet—always tracking, saving up for treats, exercising to make up for indulgences. I was enslaved by food and diet culture.
Hebrews 2:14-15 says:
“Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil—and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.”
We often fear the death of comfort, convenience, and old habits. The idea of giving up certain foods or routines feels like a loss. But we must let go of these fears and learn to see food the way God intended—as nourishment and a gift.
This requires work, community, and commitment. It won’t happen overnight, but with time, you’ll experience the freedom that comes from eating real, God-given food without shame or fear.
Weight loss isn’t just about what you eat—it’s about how you live. You can plan your way to success, but it requires changing your schedule and priorities. This may mean:
✅ Going to bed on time ✅ Putting your phone away ✅ Saying NO to certain commitments to prioritize your health ✅ Making time for meal planning, cooking, and exercise
Many weight loss programs assume you have unlimited time and energy. But as a busy mom, that’s not your reality. That’s why it’s so important to struggle through the process, fail, tweak, and find what actually works for YOU.
This is the hardest part of the journey—the deep, internal work. We need to ask: Why do I struggle with food in the first place?
These things won’t be fixed overnight. But with faith, coaching, and community, you can work through them and experience true transformation.
At this point, you have two paths:
✨ Path 1: The Road to Freedom
❌ Path 2: The Diet Rollercoaster
You can do this, Momma. It’s not about choosing the easy path—it’s about inviting God into the journey and stepping into the transformation He has for you.
Let’s go!
🎯 Ready to stop struggling and finally lose weight for good? Join Fit Moms Academy today:
For tips and updates follow me on IG! @kelseywickenhauser
on mission to help moms break free from diet culture and discover a whole new way of thinking about weight loss... Read more about Kelsey
© 2023 Kelsey Wickenhauser. all rights reserved. privacy policy.
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