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I'm Kelsey and I help Christian women break free from diet culture & lose weight for the last time!
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Lately, I decided to join a gym. Watching kids play at my child’s baseball game, I observed their ability to jump, squat, run, and sprint. It made me think about my own mobility. Could I do all the things they were doing? This reflection led me to realize how it’s a slow fade into not being able to do what we were created to do. We stop moving in ways that challenge our bodies, start sitting more, and choose the lazy way. Before we know it, we have back pain, can’t squat, and jumping becomes painful.
So, I joined a gym. It’s a CrossFit-type gym, and despite the 20-minute drive at 5 AM, it’s so worth it. This got me thinking a lot about motivation and accountability, and today, I want to share how to regain these using one key element.
Definition: The quality or state of being accountable, especially an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actions.
You want accountability so that you are obligated and willing to be responsible for your actions—or lack thereof. When people are checking in on you, when you know someone is watching or waiting for you, you don’t want to let them down.
Key Elements of Accountability:
Definition: The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way; the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.
Motivation drives why we do what we do. It’s the inner engine that helps us develop inertia and make things happen. Most people find motivation in themselves or for specific events. However, true and lasting motivation, especially in the context of health and weight loss, should be deeper and more sustainable.
Finding True Motivation:
The key to combining community, finding your people, allowing you to be vulnerable, and helping you have a deeper knowing and desire to continue is all lined up in a step-by-step process inside Fit Moms Accelerator.
For tips and updates follow me on IG! @kelseywickenhauser
on mission to help moms break free from diet culture and discover a whole new way of thinking about weight loss... Read more about Kelsey
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