Learn how to simplify your food choices, stop using food as a coping mechanism, make the healthy choice the easy choice, and invite God into the journey so you can heal from why the struggle exists in the first place! Weight loss is going to be much less complicated than ever before.
Could break the stronghold of food, and stop using food as a coping mechanism
Had clarity around what to eat without counting things
Had confidence and enjoyed intimacy with your spouse again
Stopped hiding in pictures and avoiding life because you’re worried about how you look
Stopped cycling from one diet to another, only to end up where you started… or worse
Did not fear failing another diet plan because you had a step by step process for exactly how to break the battle with the scale
I’m going to teach you how to understand WHY the struggle with weight exists in the first place so you can heal and break free. We’re going to restore the glory of God in real food so there’s no more decision fatigue and bondage of diet culture. And, give you practical strategies to actually implement your new healthy lifestyle in the midst of an amazing and insanely full season of life as a busy mom!
Learn why the enemy wants you stuck worrying about your weight
Understand lies you've been believing about food, diets, and weight loss
Learn how money, government, and culture has influenced what we eat
Understand what the Bible says about abundant living; including abundant health
Break off the orphan spirit to walk in freedom in all areas of your life
Design your plate to lose weight fast
Gain clarity around how to daily eat the food God created
Simple, real food swaps to see the scale drop quickly
Mindset shifts to make the healthy choice the easy choice; even when you're busy
Time blocking for weight loss
Scheduling four primary non-negotiables
for weight loss
Share and find recipes in our community to stay inspired with real food
Learn our meal planning system to meal plan and shop in just an hour per week
Create a family catalog of recipes that everyone will love
At home workout ideas to get toned fast
Design a fitness routing you love
Understand calorie burn versus calorie intake to maximize your workouts
Understand "thought errors" and eliminate your mind drama around weight loss
Learn how to change the way you think
to lose weight
Align your thoughts with Biblical truths about health, weight loss, and who you are
Start walking in healing so you can break out of the diet cycle
Understand the four core root lies that lead to the struggle with weight
Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal why weight is a struggle for you
Create non-negotiable sustainable habits
for healthy living
How to create simple habits through habit stacking
Learn how to break out of all or nothing thinking to stay consistent
Celebrate your success and create your next steps plan for continued success
Recognize gaps keeping you from thriving in your health journey
Learn to stay imperfectly consistent without shame or guilt
Recipe vault of my go-to real food favorites to make meal planning and cooking easy
Regular challenges to motivate you to achieve greater levels of health and wellness
Access to a private community (off Facebook) of Kingdom-minded women to cheer you on and lift you up when you need it
Access to weekly group calls to help you stay on track, stay connected, and get unstuck
Weekly simple action steps to easily change your habits and see the scale drop quickly
Immediate course access
Monthly student group coaching
Private student community
Immediate course access
Weekly student group coaching
Bonuses and accountability
Private student community
Bonuses and accountability
most affordable
best value
Our community is all about restoring the glory of God in real food, instead of clinging to the next fad diet that sets you up to fail. You’ll get to practice your new whole foods lifestyle with support and accountability, to help you stay on track and stay inspired with new recipes.
Nobody is designed to go on this journey alone. Inside Fit Moms Academy, you’ll have a group of like-minded women who really get it, and are just as motivated as you to break free from the battle with the scale and walk out their Kingdom purpose, in freedom! Truly, the community of believers is the best part!
When you join us, you’ll have access to your learning portal where I walk you through the 10 week weight loss boot camp, step by step, so you can lose weight quickly. You have an entire year access so you can continue to practice and refine the process.
It is one of my greatest joys to empower women just like you to believe that weight loss is possible.
I know you’re exhausted from jumping from one diet to another, only to end up right where you started. I know the shame around not showing up fully for your family. I understand that you are tired of hiding and avoiding social events with friends because you’re embarrassed. I know you want to honor God with your body, but are burnt out and don’t even know where to begin.
Maybe you even feel hopeless that you’ll ever break free from this stronghold on your life.
I left my full-time job as a physician assistant to create a program that is designed to guide women to lose weight, once and for all, by getting to the root of the problem. I’m passionate about helping women break the bondage of excess weight so they can live out the call God has on their life, in freedom. I also love nerding out and teaching you all about food as medicine, and how eating the food God created is the simplest way to stop obsessing over calories, macros, and what you can or can’t eat.
Inside of our Fit Moms communities, I’m committing to leading more and more moms to breaking the generational curse of obesity. Together, we’re raising the bar to not only lose weight, but influence our children to see healthy as normal life.
I’m rooting for you and can’t wait to see you succeed!
The Academy is a tried and true method for hundreds of women who can attest to experiencing freedom from the diet cycle.
There is a 7 day money back guarantee if you don’t love it for any reason! What do you have to lose besides the weight?
The beautiful part about God’s food is that it’s naturally low calorie. Many students have lost 10 pounds in the first month of diving into the program..
Ask yourself, what is the cost of NOT investing in my health? How will this play out in 5 or 10 years, or more? There is hardly a more valuable investment than your health.
You get access for an entire year so you can continue to practice the 10 week process, in community.
I help you create a meal plan that you and your family will love and actually eat!
I encourage you to have a vulnerable conversation with your husband about how the weight struggle is truly affecting your life. Ask for support, rather than permission.
You can upgrade at any point inside Fit Moms Academy for 1:1 coaching, food log reviews, and private conversations with me.
You know that there has to be a better, less complicated way to lose weight
You are sick of being on another fad diet
You want to create a legacy of health in your home
You're ready to break the chains of excess weight on your life
You want to understand how to love real food
You don't want to include scripture and God's truth in the process
You want to find a quick fix
You want to continue with the world's way of doing weight loss
You want to go at it alone
Immediate course access
Weekly student group coaching
Private student community (off of Facebook)
Immediate course access
Weekly student group coaching
Bonuses and accountability
Private student community (off of Facebook)
Bonuses and accountability
most affordable
best value
Now Available! The Kingdom Fit Moms podcast now streaming!